Monthly Archives: April 2015

SMI April 2015 Newsletter



oliva spurdle

April 2015
LATEST NEWS: It’s a girl! First granddaughter in the Spurdle clan. She was born March 26th and named Olivia Dianne Gammill. Please pray that God will use her to touch the world for Christ. Thank you for your prayers for not only her but also for the Japanese who have no real hope. Years ago while waiting for a train at Mukonso Station I was sharing with God that I was ready to return to the
US after successfully helping in a pioneer church plant. Before my very eyes a young Jr. High girl flung herself off the train platform onto the oncoming express train. She was instantly killed being cut in half by the trains wheels. I cried out to the Lord, “Why did I have to see this?” Two days later was the Lords answer, “ People are born every second around the world, and people die every second.” Who cares? Do YOU? God got His point across, basically stating that if you and I have been “born again” and have been given Christ’s inheritance of power, ought we to give it away at any cost? If Christ says many times to GO or SEND, why do we come up with excuses? Just recently a SMI short-termer returned to NY where they invited a Japanese exchange student to their home. Tom and his family rejoiced to see their Japanese homestayer turn to the Lord. Tom was compelled to not only return to check up on their homestay child but also reached out to thousands of Japanese by handing them gospel tracts.

LESSON LEARNED: And these signs and wonders (miracles) will follow those who believe…Mark 16:16 Before me was a man using an expensive wheelchair to get around. While he was talking business with me, God said, “get down to the real business.” Changing the subject, I simply asked, “If you died tonight are you
for certain you will enter heaven, and be healed now?” After we prayed in public, he walked home born-again. Calling a week later he exclaimed, “I sold the wheel chair!” Don’t be a spiritual pacifist. Get to business! -Dave Spurdle.
Dear Dave and Dianne, I would like to be a Monthly Faith Promise supporter
of [ ] $30 [ ] $50 [ ] $75 [ ] $100 [ ] $300 [ ] $500 [ ] Other $________
[ ] Yes, I would like to go on a short-term mission trip Date______________
[ ] Yes, I wish to be a part of the 24 hr Unceasing Yoke Fellowship _____to_____
Name_________________________________ Ph. ( ) __________________