Bible Tracts Work!

Site to Order Bible Tracts

The Gospel According to Karate

Here are some testimonies of people who gave their lives to Christ through a “Bible Tract.”
*  George Whitefield  came to the Lord through a “Bible Tract.”  He then went onto to share the same message of the Cross that was on that Bible Tract to more than 10 million people in America and the British Isles.  1714-1770
It is amazing how one Bible tract effected two nations England
*In America we spent two years of our life following the Greatful Dead Band to 67 different concerts.  We were “Deadheads”, doing a lot of drugs and getting into trouble.  One day in a Gas Station bathroom floor I picked up an interesting paper.  I took it to my friends and we all began to read it.  It was a “Bible Tract.”  This was my wake up call!  In a couple of months my lifestyle was changed, and I took my first steps with Christ, all because of a discarded “Bible Tract.”    Steven Kennedy  USA
*On our short-term trips with SMI we have the opportunity to hand out or post “Bible tracts”to close to 3,000 people in almost two weeks.  One particular time at a Mall I was putting Bible tracts under the window wipers of all the cars in the mall.  I suddenly saw a woman take the Bible Tract off her windshield and sat in her car reading it.  She never saw me, but I was able to see her finish reading the tract and then prayed to Jesus for salvation!
It was incredible to see this.  Seldom do we really ever see the fruit of the effects of a “Bible Tract.”     Earl “Kuma” French     Japan
*”May I talk with you after the service?” an elderly Japanese woman asked Rev. David Spurdle.  “I liked your sermon on witnessing and the great ideas of using “Bible Tracts.”  When I was young girl walking on the beach here in Kangawa ken a man gave me a “Bible Tract”  I read through it all.  It was the first time I had heard the message of a Savior named “Jesus.”  I talked to Jesus, telling him I was sorry and asked Him into my life on the beach. Later that week i went to a Christian meeting and I did not know it at the time, but my future husband also attended the meeting.
After we married we decided to invite children to our home.  Then our meetings included the parents, which caused us to gut the downstairs of our home and made it into a church hall.  We live upstairs.  This all happened because i received a “Bible Tract” on the beach many years ago.     Mrs Tanabe  Japan
*Excuse me, are you saved?”  “If you were to die tonight, are you certain that you would go to Heaven?”  the old preacher interrupted the pedestrians.
“For close to forty years I have been asking the same question to at least eight people a day on George St.  Then I hand them a “Bible Tract.”  “Most people receive the “Bible Tracts,” but some don’t.”  “In all my years I have yet to see anyone on the spot turn to Christ in prayer.”  Just before the old street preacher on George St. passed away, people around the world shared  how they turned to Christ through the “unexpected encounter” with the “White haired man on George St”  Famous preachers, teachers,politicians, military personel, tourists began to account for their coversions to Christ through simple question they received followed up by the “Bible Tract.”
It has been estimated that the “old white haired man handed out over 146,000 “Bible Tracts”  Close to 10,000 testimonies of people receiving Christ through the encounter with the preacher have been testified by people all around the World.  All because the old man, Frank Jenner on George St. obeyed His masters command “‘to preach the Good News, in and out of season.”
He never saw one piece of fruit, yet in heaven what a party he will attend.  How many Bible Tracts have you given out?  Who will challenge Frank Jenners record?
– Frank Jenner  George St.  Sidney, Australia
*I thought I had reached a lot of people with Bible tracts in this compact city in Sano,Japan.  Little did I realize that by only giving out 500 of them barely scratched the surface of 90,000 people.  It seemed undaunting to me, that we could reach this city with the Good News with such few workers.”  “Where are the laborers?”
– Bill Wolf   Ohio, USA