Jesus Changes Hearts and Minds

A few days ago I was speaking with brother Dave. I shared with him my deep thoughts on Japan. I informed him about my thoughts and feeling when he asked me to help support missions to Japan or go on a mission with him. I informed him that the first thing that crossed my mind was, Japan is one of the richest countries in the world “they can take care of themselves”, then I thought of what they did during WWII and thought, of all the people in the world, they would be the last I would probably care about, so many others deserve it more then them!

Then Dave said “We have all fallen short, every person and every NATION all throughout time!”  I thought that was true… so I decided to help!!! Lots of time has gone by since then, and I have learned some very good things and some sad things about Japan – suicide rates, lack of self worth(especially in the youth), not to mention a massive earthquake, etc… My heart and mind has changed through Christ, and now I see Japanese people as potential brothers and sisters like every one else! I feel deeply for them and pray for them to find the love and peace of Christ!!!


-Kurt D (SMI Supporter)